The 30th Norwegian Epidemiological Association (NOFE) conference will be held 15th to 16th of October 2024 at Quality Hotel Expo Fornebu, outside Oslo. The title of the conference is “Intersecting Frontiers in Epidemiology: Environment, Climate and Genetics in a Public Health Perspective“, with parallel sessions covering other parts of epidemiology.

Register for the conference here

Masterstudents who would like to attend send an e-mail to (the conference fee may be covered)

Questions regarding registration/payment can be directed to Meeting Management

Extended abstract submission deadline: 8th of September

Send the abstract to

Early Bird: 21st of September

Young Investigator Day
Young Investigator day will be held 14th of October 2024, with the topic “Genetic relatedness”. Register for YID here.
More information is found in the link below:

Venue and how to get there

Keynote speakers:

Joan Ballester Claramunt is an Associate Research Professor at the ISGlobal Barcelona Institute of Global Health. As a researcher in climate and health, he aims to describe the major sources of vulnerability in societies and whether we have started to adapt to climate change. He predicts weather and climate effects at a range of timescales, from days to seasons, aiming at generating early warning systems of disease risk. His ultimate goal is to improve the well-being of societies by increasing human resilience and adaptation to climate variability and change.

Virissa Lenters is an Assistant Professor and environmental epidemiologist from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care at the University Medical Center Utrecht. She researches how plastic and chemical pollution impact reproductive and child health, with a particular focus on the health effects of plastic waste exceeding planetary boundaries and the challenge of risk assessment for complex pollutants like microplastics.

Therese Haugdahl Nøst is an Associate Professor in molecular genetics and environmental epidemiology at the UiT Arctic University of Norway. She focuses on markers in blood: ‘ omics markers’ (for example genetics, gene expression, and DNA methylation) in the understanding of how environmental exposures can influence health and systemic reactions leading to diseases like cancer.